Québec City and Lévis, QC

It was a joy for us to participate with the ministry Aujourd’hui l’espoir and local churches who coordinated a unique outreach. Teams of over 200 people, coming from 12 local churches and from as far away as France, Switzerland and the United States, spent two weeks in late July and early August praying and sharing the Good News of Christ with people across a large portion of Québec City and the city of Lévis.
Team members were trained in personal evangelism and dedicated hours to placing a Finding the Hope packet at the door of some 145,000 homes. Each packet included the Finding the Hope booklet and invitations to special events where the Gospel was presented clearly through testimonies, concerts and drama.
Breakfast of Hope events drew around 500 people, of which at least half were not church attending people. The numerous other events drew hundreds of people with many visitors who were not church attenders. Each time, people heard a clear gospel presentation with an opportunity to respond to Christ’s invitation. In addition to the outreach to 145,000 homes, thousands of Finding the Hope booklets were given to people who attended the events and also to individuals in parks and on the streets.
An Unprecedented Response

The interest that people showed in the Gospel was unprecedented. It’s hard to imagine being at any Christian event recently where half the audience was comprised of non-church attenders. This was remarkable. But even more astonishing is the number and the type of responses we received in our office. More than half of the requests we received for the follow-up book, 7 Days with Jesus, included a request to be contacted by a local participating church.
Clearly, the Lord is stirring hearts in Québec!
Pastors shared with us that their congregations are stirred in their hearts to reach out to the lost around them like never before. Team members shared that their lives have been dramatically impacted by the outreach.
Indication of Open Hearts
Pastor Simon Ouelette enthusiastically told of how one afternoon one of the team members had prayed with four different people who were ready to open their hearts to Christ.
Matapédia Valley and Blainville, QC

EHC worked a local church in the Matapédia Valley of Gaspe, EHC has developed a saturation strategy to reach nearly 11,000 homes in 27 communities. Pastor Denis Lavallée coordinated this unique, multi-faceted outreach that included the participation of three other ministries in addition to EHC. The outreach spanned over four months beginning in late August. Part of EHC’s contribution was to provide Finding the Hope booklets in French to the 11,000 homes in the region and follow up materials. Much prayer, planning, training and mobilizing was invested!
The outreach included Christian concerts, Breakfasts of Hope events in several locations and a number of other opportunities to connect people with the Gospel of Christ. We invite you to keep praying for an outpouring of God’s love and grace in Québec!
To help make possible future outreaches in Francophone Canada, please consider a gift to EHC: http://www.ehc.ca/gifts
Your gifts and prayers are appreciated!
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