Meeting Neighbours

Uncategorized — September 19, 2013

Meeting Neighbours in the Summer or Fall

Some Canadian neighbourhoods may slow down in the summertime, but not those where Finding the Hope campaigns are underway. Summer or Fall can be a great time of year to meet your neighbours! fth

In Winnipeg, the Filipino United Community Church, in cooperation with Foundations for Freedom Ministries, planned a mid-July mailing of Finding the Hope packets to reach more than 3,500 homes with the Gospel. Following the mailing, a community prayer walk was held as families distribute Finding the Hope door hangers to invite people to attend their church.

Ahead of the campaign, the Winnipeg congregation placed Finding the Hope banners in front of their church building and also in a local park whenever outdoor church activities were held there. People wore Finding the Hope t-shirts to the church’s anniversary celebration, summer camps and Family Fun Day. A church rep adds, “We are printing the three promotional materials (It’s Possible, It’s Happening and It’s Working) to be placed inside the church’s sanctuary to continually remind our members of what we are doing and praying for.”

Please pray for continuing fruitful connections between churches and neighbourhoods where Finding the Hope campaigns were held recently!

At the end of April, a church in the Vanier/Overbrook community of Ottawa launched a bilingual campaign to reach 6,200 homes. For the benefi t of the many French-speaking Lebanese and Haitian families in this neighbourhood, the mailing included a bilingual card providing contact information for the church. Two months after the campaign, responses continue to be received in our office.

For more information about starting a Finding the Hope campaign in your community, please visit

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Uncategorized — July 15, 2015

Finding the Hope in Calgary

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Uncategorized, , — September 15, 2014

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Uncategorized, — July 14, 2014

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Every home… Every heart.

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