News: Page 3

Twelve Communities Received The Message of Hope

April 8 Nearly 14,670 homes received the message of hope through the Finding the Hope campaign in the ten communites of Sauble Beach, Kincardine, Southampton, Port Elgin, Tiverton, Allenford, Shallow Lake, Tara, Ripley and Wiarton.

Uncategorized — April 23, 2013

History Was Made in Woodstock

FINDING THE HOPE UPDATE Woodstock, ON It is possible that history was made in Woodstock, Ontario on March 4th! In the space of one week, some 18,000 homes received the gospel booklet, Finding the Hope.

Uncategorized — April 16, 2013

Fruit That Remains

FINDING THE HOPE UPDATE The presence of the Lord seemed to fill the room as I listened to Salvation Army Major Calvin Fudge share with me what the Lord has done through the Finding the Hope campaign in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. “It was God’s plan to have churches come together for Finding the Hope

Uncategorized — March 12, 2013

Prayer For Recent FTH Campaigns

Bright, Ontario is a unique community. There are no churches, of any denomination, in Bright. located in Oxford County, it became part of the outreach vision for people from neighbouring communities and a campaign that took place in early January.  Campobello Island in New Brunswick is another unique spot in the Canadian landscape.

Uncategorized — March 5, 2013

Prayer for Upcoming Campaigns

March: Woodstock, Ontario and Badger, Newfoundland. May: Sauble Beach and area, Ontario. Please pray for much fruit from these campaigns and for the Lord’s blessing on each participating congregation. Altogether, these campaigns will deliver the FTH booklet to a total of 32,930 homes.

Uncategorized — February 28, 2013

Riverton Receives The Message Of Hope

A pastor catches the vision  In September 2012, we received a call from a pastor in Riverton, Manitoba, inquiring about Finding the Hope (FTH). The potential of the campaign captivated his interest and he shared the vision with his congregation and the Interlake Ministerial in rural Manitoba.

Uncategorized — February 21, 2013

Chinese Version of FTH

We are pleased to announce the first printing of a bilingual version in Chinese and English of the Finding the Hope booklet. We are deeply grateful to a team of Chinese believers in Saskatoon for their labour of love for this translation.

Uncategorized — January 21, 2013

Purser of the Ferry, Presenter of the Hope

Bertrand is a purser on ferries operating from the seaports of Calais and Douvres on routes between France and England. Two decades ago, Bertrand had a life-changing encounter on one of those very ships. A regular passenger, a pastor from Ireland, was distributing the EHC booklet, Are You Happy?

Uncategorized — November 21, 2012

Finding the Hope Gaining Momentum

Across Canada and Around the World!  The Finding the Hope campaign that began in Canada continues to spread across our nation even as it gains momentum globally. People in places far and wide are hearing the message of hope and responding to the love of Christ!

Uncategorized — October 23, 2012

Two Donors: 28 Communities

Private donors (a married couple) are personally sponsoring FTH campaigns in 28 rural communities in southeast Saskatchewan. He’s done this through four campaigns—two in February and two in August 2012. Because of his concern and generosity, people in 4184 homes will receive the FTH gospel booklet and other campaign material.

Uncategorized — October 4, 2012