News: Page 6

Spring 2011 Campaigns

Spring 2011 Extensive preparations are in progress and great enthusiasm is building for Finding the Hope campaigns scheduled to launch in late March and early April.

Uncategorized — March 28, 2011

Churches are Working on Campaigns Together!

Summer-Fall 2010 A number of exciting things have happened with the Finding the Hope campaign since the summer. In June, two strategic “Come and Hear” events were held in Saint John and Moncton, New Brunswick. Several church leaders who had originally expressed interest, received an overview of the campaign along with answers to important questions.… Read More…

Uncategorized — November 8, 2010

The Word is Out—People Are Getting the Message!

Fall 2009 Update A man from Guelph opened his mail one day after work. Among the bills and letters was a Finding the Hope booklet that had been mailed to his home. He was about to throw it out when he heard what seemed like a voice inside him saying, “Don’t do that! This is… Read More…

Uncategorized — September 28, 2009

People Are Getting the Message!

May-June 2009 It’s Happening. People are getting the message. In October and November of 2008, the first Mission 33 campaigns were launched with seeds of hope being planted in thousands of lives! The Finding the Hope package was delivered to 65,000 homes in Ontario and Nova Scotia. Right away responses were received through both mail… Read More…

Uncategorized — July 28, 2009

Testimonies Are Coming In

May-June 2009 A number of churches involved in Mission 33 campaigns have experienced encouraging responses. Some churches have planned events around the campaign that resulted in a notable spike in attendance at Sunday special worship services. A number of pastors have also shared how Mission 33 has reawakened their congregation to the joy of sowing… Read More…

Uncategorized — June 28, 2009

How campaigns are beginning

May-June 2009 As yet, EHC has not done significant promotion for Mission 33. However the office is scrambling to respond to the interest coming from across the country. In some areas pastors who hear about it are sharing the potential of the campaign with their ministerial groups and forming a collaborative initiative. An example of… Read More…

Uncategorized — May 28, 2009